15-20 Kabob Skewers
1- large package of Cherry Tomatoes
1- "ball" of fresh Mozzarella
6-7 fresh basil leaves
4 tbsp. Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Fresh Cracked Pepper
1. Rinse off the tomatoes & basil leaves. Pat dry with a paper towel
2. Cut the mozzarella into cubes.
3. Alternate between tomato and cheese cube
4. In food processor, combine basil and olive oil, mix until "frothy"
5. Pour basil and olive oil mixture over the finished skewers, top with salt and pepper, to taste.
6. Refrigerate (optional)
7. Eat and Enjoy!!
wish i had a food processor! those look awesome!
love your new pic Larae!
Yummmm, i might have to make those for myself, wish corey liked tomatoes
about 3 years ago i had a pretty serious relationship with Meredith's brother...ugh...sore subject!
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